Friday, May 16, 2014

Living Planet Fellowship

ESA has just opened the call for new post-doctoral research fellowships called The Living Planet Fellowship. 
These concern fellowships in the host institute, funded up to 70% by ESA. 
The deadline for for applications is 30 June.

Detailed information, call procedure and limitations, deadlines and more can be found at this link or below

The first Call for Research Proposals of the   Living  Planet  Fellowship  has  been  opened  today.  This  initiative
represents the follow-on of the STSE Changing Earth Science Network.

The  main  objective  of  this  initiative  is  to  provide  support to young
researchers  who  have  a  doctoral  degree  and who would like to initiate a
scientific  career  in  the  context  of Earth Observation, Earth science and
Climate  research.  Candidate  researchers are encouraged to submit  research proposals responding to one of following Programmatic Areas:

A) Support To Science:
-  Scientific  exploitation  of  ESA’s  Earth  Explorer  missions (i.e. SMOS,
CryoSat, GOCE and Swarm), developing and validating innovative methods, novel
products and promoting new scientific results.
-  Earth  System Science research maximising the exploitation of ESA missions
and long-term ESA archives (e.g. ERS-1, ERS-2, Envisat), also in synergy with
other  ESA  and non-ESA data sets, specifically addressing the new scientific
challenges of the Living Planet Programme.

B) Scientific Exploitation of the Sentinels:
-  Development  and  validation  of  advanced  EO  methods  and  products for
scientific exploitation of the continued observations and innovative features
of the Sentinel missions (Sentinel 1, Sentinel 2, Sentinel 3 or Sentinel 5P).
-  Developing novel scientific methods and tools for enhancing the synergetic
exploitation of the Sentinel missions (Sentinel 1, Sentinel 2, Sentinel 3 and
Sentinel 5P).

C) Climate Change Initiative:
-Exploiting  Essential Climate Variable (ECV) products generated by the ESA.s
Climate  Change  Initiative  (CCI)  for improved understanding of the climate
-  Examining  Cross-ECV consistency and multiple ECV use (those under the CCI
Programme in particular).

Selected  project proposals, will be awarded with a maximum budget of 40KEuro per  year  as  a co-funding contribution to a standard post-doctoral position plus  3KEuro  to  cover  costs  associated  to  travels,  conference fees and publications.   The   Host   Institution   shall  co-finance  and  provide  a
post-doctoral  contract  to  the candidate to undertake the research activity
proposed.  The  Host  Institution shall contribute with, as a minimum, 30% of
the overall cost for the two years.

The  documentation and call information (Call for Research Proposals package)
can be downloaded from the link

Proposal   and   all   supporting  documents  must  be  sent  by  e-mail  to: by no later than 30 June 2014 (the Closing Date).

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