Monday, May 14, 2012

       The NOC team have finished quality controlling the next set of open ocean whitecapping (wavebreaking) in-situ measurements. These data will be used within OceanFlux GHG to help validate the model and Earth Observation derived estimates of whitecapping.
       The figure shows the percentage Whitecap coverage (W) versus wind speed (U10n) standardized to a height of 10 meters above the sea surface and neutral atmospheric stability. The red circles show W averaged as a function of wind speed and the dashed line shows an older empirical relationship (Monahan and Muircheataigh, 1980). All of these in situ data have been collected using digital camera systems mounted on a number of different research ships. 

Measurements were collected during the following projects:
Deep Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment (DOGEE)
High Wind Air-Sea Exchanges (HiWASE)
Sea Spray, Gas Fluxes and Whitecaps (SEASAW)
Waves, Aerosols and Gas Exchange Study (WAGES)

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